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Ladera Urgent Care

Urgent Care located in Ladera Heights, Los Angeles, CA

Are you tired of shaving or waxing? Do you want to say goodbye to prickly skin? At Ladera Urgent Care, the board-certified medical team provides laser hair removal to permanently remove unwanted hair from your body. Call the Ladera Heights office in Los Angeles, California, today or go online to schedule a consultation.

Hair Removal Q&A

This service is coming soon!

This service is coming soonWhat areas can laser hair removal treat?

At Ladera Urgent Care, the team uses a state-of-the-art laser to permanently remove hair from your:

  • Legs
  • Face
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Chest
  • Bikini line

Laser hair removal is safe and effective on most hair colors and skin types. It can also tackle areas of any size.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser therapy targets the hair follicle under your skin. A beam of light passes through your skin, destroying the pigment inside and permanently damaging the hair follicle, inhibiting hair growth. The dead hair follicle is expelled naturally from your body. 

This process doesn’t harm your surrounding tissues.

During your treatment, you could feel small pulses of heat, but the device has a built-in cooling technology that provides a comfortable balance. Several treatments can produce lasting results.

Depending on the thickness of your hair and the area being treated, treatments can take 5-30 minutes. After your session, you can get back to your daily activities.

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

Removing hair with laser therapy offers several benefits:

  • Takes away the hassle of shaving every few days
  • Removes hair from almost any area
  • Quickly damages the hair follicle
  • Doesn’t damage surrounding skin


Although you might experience some minor redness or swelling after your treatment, your laser hair removal process is safe.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal?

For successful results, you need to start preparing two weeks before your laser hair removal appointment.

Stay out of the sun and tanning beds. You should wear sunblock daily. Don’t have cosmetic injections (Botox®, dermal fillers) within the 14 days before your session.

When you arrive for your treatment, be sure your skin is clean. Don’t use lotions, fragrances, or oils. You should completely shave the area being treated at least 24 hours before your arrival, but don’t wax, tweeze, or use chemicals to remove your hair.

Your provider will talk to you about your medication ahead of time to determine if you need to make any temporary changes.

Call the Ladera Urgent Care team today or go online to book your laser hair removal consultation.